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du collège Louis Germain
à Saint Jean de Védas
Tout ce qu'aiment bien les élèves
du collège Louis Germain
Louis Ger'mag
Discover the grand canyon with me

Publié le : 05/04/2019
J'ai eu la chance d'aller aux Etats-Unis pour découvrir le Grand Canyon, en Arizona. Je vous y emmène...

Crédits photo : Borg
Last summer, in August, I went to the Grand Canyon, in Arizona. I had a great time, and I took lots of pictures. It was a lot fun, even if it was very hot in the canyon itself. Temperatures can rise up to 40°C. The Grand Canyon is divided in two sides :The South Rim and the North Rim.
The South Rim which is the most touristy and accessible for most people. The North Rim is harder to reach and in the summer time , when the thunderstorm season starts it get hit by lots of thunderstorms. In the winter, the North Rim isn’t accessible because of the snow. The Grand canyon is 446km long – it is huge! It is : 12 934 Km2 in area , that is over twice the size of Hérault ( 6 224 km 2 ) !!
For thousands of years, Native Americans have been living in the canyon area and its many caves. The first European discovered the Grand Canyon in 1540. President Theodore Roosevelt helped with preserving the Grand Canyon, and loved to hunt and enjoy the scenery.
Lexique :
Un pétroglyphe est un dessin gravé dans la pierre.
Crédits photo : Borg

Indians tribes have been living in the Grand Canyon for at least 4,000 years, that’s why some petroglyphs* were found.
The Grand Canyon is a great place for wildlife photography.
Crédits photo : Borg

I saw deers, squirrels, raccoons, elks and a coyote.
For young kids, there are Junior Ranger programmes. You get a guidebook , you answer questions, you have to observe and then you can receive a Junior Ranger badge – I got the coyote badge, there were other bagdes like the scorpions depending on your age.
If you want to see the website , it is here : https://www.nps.gov/grca/learn/kidsyouth/beajuniorranger.htm
Crédits photo : Borg

The grand Canyon is famous for its hiking trails, I went on some of these trails and hikes : the South Kaibab Trail , one of the best to go into the canyon and I also loved the Hermit trail and Bright Angel trail for the views. But inside the Canyon , it is too hot so there are signs to warn hikers about all the risks of the heat and tell them to take plenty of water.
What the grand canyon means to me: