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Boys > Girls or Boys=Girls

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Publié le : 13/03/2019

Inequalities and sexism have been deeply rooted in our societies four hundreds of years. Sexism is everywhere, in every single aspect of women's lives.  At work, at home, at school, in the streets... Women are constantly affected by this.

First, what exactly is sexism ? Sexism is a prejudice, stereotyping or discrimination based on a person's sex, especially against women.

The most common form, of sexism is this belief that women must have children, must take care of their child and that having children is the only thing they should do.

An unfair situation

Obviously, that's not true. But every girl growing up in this world has already heard that she could not have the job she wanted because she was unfortunate enough to be born a woman. This is extremely unfair because, even if the situation were to change, girls don't have the same opportunities as boys.

We have to give both boys and girls the same opportunities because they have the same potential.

Well, it's sexist because we don't require men to take care of their children (of course, lot of men are doing it, but most are women). When the woman will be taking a part-time job for the sake of her children, therefore missing opportunities and promotions, the man will be keeping on working and finding his profession very fulfilling.


We could easily establish equality on this, but it's not "usual" to see a part-working man, it's not so common for a man to take care of his child, and it should be. Women don't have to have children and they don't have to look after them on their own.

​​A degrading image of the woman

Let's talk about another form of sexism. Some men consider women as their things, their object, their source of pleasure. They believe that they have the right to touch them, to talk to them like to animals. They imagine that a woman looking like this or dressed like that belongs to them.

A woman who wears a skirt is not less respectable than a woman who wears trousers. In our society, women are too often reduced to their bodies.

An unequal income

Disparities in incomes are also a big problem in today's world. It's not exactly all women who are affected by this, only mothers. When a woman has got a child, her incomes drops. It happens because they take a maternity leave and then often take part-time jobs to take care of their kids (not all of women, but a big part).

The problem of part-time job

Why is this sexist then ? If a man has a part-time job, he will be paid as much as a part-time working woman. At first sight, it's totally egalitarian.

Boys better than girls ?

The last form of sexism I will talk about (even if there is still hundreds of other things to say) is the fact that we teach boys that girls are "inferior" to them.

We teach boys that crying is bad, because crying is "acting like a girl". We teach boys that acting like a girl is bad. We teach boys, since the early age, that being a girl is bad, that being a boy is way better. We teach boys sexism, misogyny and male chauvinism every day of their lives.

We have to fight against any form of inequality, even if it's a hard and long process, because women must have the same rights and opportunities as boys. Women are  NOT  weak and useless, women are NOT  objects, women are Human Beings, just as men.

By Eloïse Barthélémy

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